Sunday, November 30, 2008

brb, jpn.

So. A few weeks ago, I got this Russian drink called BURATINO only because it came with an AWESOME Pinocchio bottle (pictured with FOX and CAT), but it turns out that it actually tastes REALLY GOOD-- like ginger ale cream soda..!

I'll be leaving for a week long vacation in Japan tomorrow, so see you guys next week! Hopefully I'll have some cool art to post, or if that fails, definitely pictures. :>

Now, have some Abele wip. 8) 

Friday, November 28, 2008

Corel Doodles

Even though I've had my tablet (which I love to pieces) for about two months I haven't really played with all the software that came with it. And since I have an abundance of free time (lolz economy) I decided that maybe I should see what everything's all about, yeah?

So behold! My first try at doodling/coloring in Corel. It seems easy enough - everything's very soft and it seems to be all about layering - I just might have to keep playing with this :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

auf deutsch..! (aber nichts :X)

just a quick photoshop doodle. 
have i mentioned how hot tom cruise looks as von Stauffenberg in the previews for that Valkyrie movie? i'm actually kinda excited to see it... but maybe it's just my LUST for berlin.
goddamn, that is the best city on the planet.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

south pennsylvania waltz.

i ain't afraid of your laughin'
nor afraid of your fist
come on with it brother
your sweet betrayal kiss

i ain't a scared of you no more
nor the scars upon your wrists
these bullets you've been shootin' at me
yeah, they all fall short an' miss
oh, brother

get your boots on boy, an' get on out
an' make your leavin' quick
this shack you built is on my land
it's comin' down brick by brick
oh, brother

oh my darlin', oh my girl
again i made you cry
i got a mean man in me
yeah, i guess that's why
oh, brother

goddamn, this is my favorite song. David Eugene Edwards is so amazing. *_* his voice is so beautiful. 

.... GOD THE WAY HE SINGS WRISTS *_____* bestillmyheart~

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lucifer perish; I recall sin.

so much post-it art. why are they so TEMPTING and HANDY. 8(

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


More comic fanart. In case you didn't know, I love me some funny books I tell you what boy howdy. This here is Sarah Rainmaker (Apache lesbian teenager with weather-related superpowers) from Gen13 (a delightful T&A romp from the 90s recently rebooted into a grimdark affair) ANYWAY. I just really wanted to draw her profile and a fat quail :3 So I did!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Pulchritudinous Professor

Chris' character Ivory Dragon. This is the woman who took over Sebastian's job when HSU fired him XD
Coloring in this style is simultaneously really easy and really hard

Thursday, November 13, 2008

carnivorous carnationism.

red carnation petals weave a path downward like spattered blood of a broken heart. may they be met and keepsake-pressed with the leather sole of a finely tailored loafer.

for ma-malai!! characters from her nanowrimo novel she's writing. the guy on the right is STERRRRRLINNNNNNG and he is my love. 8) in one of her recent chapters he takes the carnation from the blond's lapel and CRUSHES IT WITH HIS FIST (which is probably not wearing the faggy gloves that he is depicted with here) because they are ex-lovers and there is TENSION. you guys should check it out and comment spam with me.

and now, here is a picture of my work building. :D 

it was another beautiful atlanta evening. when the foggy breath of a fall sky blows it's breath over the tops of all the downtown high-rises. such chilly incense inhalations~

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

abele! abele!

wip of abele! hopefully i can slap a bg on it soon and watercolor away!
what a faggy fag you got thar, mister. :B

my blackberry takes much better pictures than my treo did, as a side note.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


wip. it's taking so long. :( corel painter is hard. especially since i keep forgetting what brushes i use.
FEH. >:(