More comic fanart. In case you didn't know, I love me some funny books I tell you what boy howdy. This here is Sarah Rainmaker (Apache lesbian teenager with weather-related superpowers) from Gen13 (a delightful T&A romp from the 90s recently rebooted into a grimdark affair) ANYWAY. I just really wanted to draw her profile and a fat quail :3 So I did!
QUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL! *_* I want a quail with a head-tuft so bad. ;^; (They need to make button quail with those!)
... We have quail roaming about in our botanical garden here in AIL. :D You need to come back to visit for realz so we can adventure there and to HELEN, GA and the CYCLORAMA and ROCK CITY.
and the YELLOW RIVER GAME RANCH where you can touch deer and OTHER CUTE FARM ANIMALS.
OH- and they have GENERAL BEAU LEE the groundhog at Yellow River Game Ranch! He totally lives in a miniature southern plantation/mansion.
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